Now that we are firmly in the holiday season, and with New Years quickly approaching, it is a good time to remember that drinking and driving is a crime in our state. After all, driving is a privilege granted that can be taken away or suspended, if one is convicted of...
Leveraging Our Experience
To Simplify Complex Legal Problems
Year: 2021
Understand distractions to avoid distracted drivers
Driving is something that most Floridians must do regularly. Whether they drive to work, school, or out for errands, many adults have drivers’ licenses and vehicles with which to get from one place to another. When a driver gets into their vehicle, they must prepare...
Alimony factors in Florida
When a couple decides to divorce, the lower wage-earning spouse may be concerned about how he or she will be financially supported. In Florida, the court may order one spouse to pay the other spouse alimony. Before alimony, also sometimes called spousal support, can...
What are the potential penalties upon criminal conviction?
Being charged with a criminal offense can be scary. After all, there’s a lot at stake in these cases. Before you can determine what criminal defense strategy will best protect your interests, you need to understand the impact that a criminal conviction can have on...
Do I need a parenting plan and what should it include?
Parents going through a divorce want to help ensure their child makes it through to the other side as stress-free as possible and that their child continues to grow and thrive post-divorce. For this reason, when it comes to time-sharing in Florida (also referred to as...
Who gets the house after the divorce is final?
During a marriage, the couple often acquires a large number of assets. If the couple decides to divorce, they should divide those assets in a way that meets guidelines of fairness under Florida law. Some marital assets are more significant than others and who gets...
Pedestrian accidents are a real Halloween scare
Fewer superheroes, celebrities and ghosts may be prowling neighborhoods during trick or treat this year. But costumed children strolling on streets or crossing parking lots and inattentive drivers make Halloween one of the deadliest days of the year for pedestrians....
How to establish paternity in Florida
Even if a child’s parents are not married to one another, they are both still responsible for supporting the child and meeting the child’s needs. For this reason, a custodial parent may want to seek child support from the noncustodial parent and the noncustodial...
Florida near the top for roadside deaths in auto accidents
Auto accidents are a frequent cause of injuries and death in Florida. While most associate this with vehicles colliding, it also occurs in many other ways. Among the most vulnerable people are those who are stopped on the side of a roadway. This could include road...
Is your spouse hiding assets from you?
Florida is an equitable distribution state when it comes to property division during the divorce process. This means that your marital assets will be divided in a fair fashion. This doesn’t mean that assets will be equally split, though. Therefore, if you want to...