Answers To Commonly Asked Family Law Questions
At Jeffrey P. Cario, P.A., we know that there is nothing more important than your family. That is also why issues affecting your family are often fraught with stress and worry. Fortunately, with the guidance of a seasoned and supportive family law attorney, many of these matters can be resolved effectively and smoothly without too much disruption to your life or children.
How Is Alimony Calculated?
Florida alimony is determined on a case-by-case basis taking into consideration the length of the marriage, the financial needs of the recipient party and the ability to pay off the other party.
What Are The General Reasons A Judge Could Modify Child Custody?
In order to modify a Florida child custody order, a parent must demonstrate changes in their living situation that are significant enough to warrant a change. A parent must also show that the change in circumstances is such that it is the best interest of the children to modify the current parenting schedule.
How Is Child Support Generally Calculated?
Child Support is calculated pursuant to the Florida Child Support Guidelines. These child support guidelines take into account both parents’ incomes, day care costs, health insurance costs and the number of overnights each parent has with the children.
How Are Same-Sex Divorces Different?
What’s surprising to many people is that marriage is marriage and divorce is divorce. In some cases, there may be paternity issues that need to be ironed out. Unfortunately, discrimination is still something some same-sex couples face. At Jeffrey P. Cario, P.A., we understand the unique challenges that may present in same-sex family law matters, and we work to protect your interests and the well-being of your children at all times.
What Is An Injunction?
An injunction is a court order. It prohibits one partner or spouse from having contact with the other. The person filing for the injunction is called the petitioner. The person who gets served the injunction is called the respondent. Both the petitioner and respondent must be family members, have a child together or live in the same house. They do not necessarily need to be married. There are temporary injunctions and permanent injunctions, and these affect the respondent’s ability to possess a firearm and ammunition. In family law, the most common types of injunctions is a domestic violence injunctions.
Get The Family Law Answers You Need
Schedule an initial consultation so that your most pressing family law and divorce questions can be answered. Call 352-448-0546 or send us a brief email about your issues with your contact information, and we will be in touch.