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Protect Your Rights If Alimony Will Be Part Of Your Divorce

Whether you will be paying alimony or receiving it, you have a strong interest in this topic if it will be part of your divorce decree. If you have depended on your husband or wife financially throughout your marriage, you may be in a position to ask for and receive alimony. On the other hand, if your spouse has depended on you, you may be supporting her or him after the divorce.

How Does The Law View Alimony?

Factors that Florida laws take into account in their discussion of alimony include:

The standard of living established during a marriage, the length of the marriage, the age and health of each spouse, the financial resources and income of each, the earning capacity of each, the value of contributions to the marriage, responsibilities to minor children, tax consequences and other factors of “equity and justice.”

The duration of a marriage will have a lot to do with the type of alimony that is appropriate. A Florida marriage is considered short or long according to these time frames:

  • Short-term: less than seven years
  • Moderate length: seven to 17 years
  • Long-term: seventeen years or longer

The type of alimony that a former spouse may pay or receive might be:

  • Bridge the gap: For two years or less
  • Rehabilitative: To help the dependent spouse get education, training or redevelopment of previous skills or credentials
  • Durational: Economic assistance for a period of time no longer than the length of the marriage
  • Permanent: Awarded after a long-term marriage or under extraordinary circumstances

Get The Counsel And Advocacy That You Need Regarding Alimony

This area of family law should be approached with the help of an experienced divorce attorney. Jeffrey P. Cario, P.A., brings these assets to the table:

  • Mr. Cario is personable and caring yet determined to protect his clients’ interests.
  • He has been practicing law for more than 30 years.
  • He is board-certified in family and marital law.
  • Kimberly Scarano brings 15 years of experience in handling family law cases.

Your divorce discussions, decisions and direction will be in good hands with our attorneys on your side.

Get Started With Clear Understanding

We can help answer any questions related to your divorce. Schedule a consultation by calling 352-448-0546 or completing an online inquiry form.