Living your day-to-day life after being injured in a car accident can be painful and challenging. While the physical and emotional implications of your wreck may be overwhelming, your injuries can also lead to financial devastation. After all, medical bills and rehabilitation costs can quickly mount, leaving you in a position where your savings are depleted, you’re unable to work to earn income and you’re left without the resources that you need to allow you to focus on your recovery.
Although the thought of legal action might provide you with some relief, as it could lead to the recovery of compensation that you need to offset your damages, many accident victims are tricked into settling their cases early by wily insurance companies. So, if there’s one thing that we hope you take away from this post, it’s that you shouldn’t trust an insurance company.
Why you shouldn’t trust an insurance company
Insurance companies and their representative may seem friendly and supportive, but you have to keep in mind that they’re looking out for their own interests. This means that they’re trying to maximize their profits, a key component of which is paying out as little in claims as possible.
If you’re doubtful, look at these top reasons not to trust an insurance company:
- They’ll use your words against you: In many instances, a driver’s own words are twisted and taken out of context to justify a claim denial or to reduce the settlement amount offered to a victim. Therefore, when you interact with an adjuster or someone else at an insurance company, you need to be careful with what you say and refrain from giving a written or recorded statement until you consult with your attorney.
- They’ll keep information from you: You need to make the decision that is right for you under the circumstances. But that can be hard to do when the insurance company doesn’t give you all of the information that you need. So, don’t rely on what the insurance company is telling you. Instead, make sure that you’ve done your diligence to obtain as much information as possible before moving forward.
- They’ll try to minimize your injuries: In order to pay out less for your claim, the insurance company is probably going to try to argue that your injuries aren’t as severe as you claim. They might even go so far as to put you under surveillance to see if they can catch you engaging in activities that you claim you can’t do. Make sure that you’re gathering all evidence that demonstrates the full extent of your injuries and are living in a way that aligns with the severity of your harm.
- They’ll try to trick you during negotiations: The insurance company will be represented by competent and experienced attorneys. They’ll know how to deploy effective negotiation tactics aimed at getting you to settle your case for less than it’s worth. Don’t trust what they say. Listen to your attorney and make sure that you’ve conducted a full case analysis before sitting down to discuss resolution of your claim.
Keep in mind, too, that the insurance company may try to shift the blame back onto you as a way to reduce liability. To protect yourself from these arguments, make sure that you’re addressing your own driving actions leading up to the accident so that you know how to defend yourself in that regard.
Know how to protect your interests
Your financial stability and your recovery are on the line when you’re dealing with an insurance claim following an accident. Therefore, you need to do everything you can to protect your interests.
Fortunately, you don’t have to do that on your own. Instead, you can work closely with a legal team that knows how to navigate these complex cases and zealously advocate for the outcome that you deserve. So, if you’d like to learn more about what an attorney can do for you, now may be the time to reach out to a team that seems right for you and your case.